How to deploy your website through Firebase?

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How to deploy your website through Firebase?


2 min read

Firebase hosting is not only a free service, but it is also a simple way to host, as it includes an SSL certificate by default, ensuring that your website is hosted securely with HTTPS.

Many hosting servers are paid and have slow speeds. However, Firebase hosting will provide you with impressively fast speeds across many locations without the need for a separate CDN.

We needed the following for configuration or hosting:

  • Google Account: Create a Firebase account in the console.
  • Domain Specifics: You can map your hosting service to the domain. There are many providers available, and you can buy a domain from any of them.
  • Firebase-CLI: Use the npm command below to install Firebase-CLI.

npm install -g firebase-tools or yarn global add firebase-tools

We need to click on "Go to console" in the top right corner. Now, we gonna create a project by clicking in create a new project. project_create Now, we chose the name of the project and keep on! Name Here you can disable google analytics, for now, and then the project is finally created! firebase_project

We gonna create a folder and a simple HTML:

$ mkdir firebase-lab-website

Look at our simple HTML in the folder:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Firebase Lab</title>
    <h1>Firebase Lab</h1>

Now, we need to install the CLI of the firebase with the command below:

$ npm install -g firebase-tools

Now, we need login:

$ firebase login

After that, execute this command in the website directory and choose the right project:

$ firebase init

  • First, use the space bar to select "Hosting: Configure and deploy Firebase Hosting sites" and then press Enter.

  • Second, press Enter to select "Use an existing project."

  • Third, select the project that you created.

  • Fourth, navigate to your index.html folder. The default is "public," but in my case, it's "./".

  • Last, we need to say if your website is a single-page app.

Everything is in place! The final command in the directory is to deploy:

$ firebase deploy

Our website is online!!

You can see details of the deploy in the option "Hosting" at the left menu:


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